Natural Solutions for Menstrual Pains and Discomforts

Natural Solutions for Menstrual Pains and Discomforts


Menstrual cramps are a common discomfort experienced by many women and are often associated with their periods. Most women are affected by menstrual pain at certain periods of their lives. Menstrual cramps are a painful condition that is felt in the lower abdomen and is often accompanied by contractions. While these pains are mild discomforts for some women, they can be severe and unbearable for others. Nowadays, many women try to minimize drug use by looking for natural solutions against menstrual pain.

In this article about menstrual pain, we will focus on understanding what menstrual pain is, why it occurs, and its general symptoms. We will also discuss the factors underlying the discomfort caused by these pains. By offering natural solutions against menstrual pain, we will also touch upon practical suggestions that will help women get through this period more easily.

What is Menstrual Pain?

Menstrual pain is a painful condition that usually occurs during menstrual periods and is felt in the lower abdomen. Contractions that occur during the shedding of the inner layer of the uterus are the main cause of this pain. Menstrual pains, which are generally felt as mild or moderate pain, can be severe and disturbing in some women.

Menstrual pain usually occurs with the start of the menstrual period and usually lasts for two to three days. However, some women may experience longer and more severe menstrual pain. Menstrual pains can be caused by various factors such as hormonal changes, inflammation in the lining of the uterus, and pelvic inflammatory diseases. Additionally, vitamin deficiencies, stress, and genetic factors may also affect menstrual pain. This can make each woman's experience different, and personal health history can also have an impact on the severity of menstrual pain.

Symptoms of Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pains are known as a distinct discomfort that usually occurs when the menstrual period begins. However, every woman's experience is different and the symptoms of menstrual pain can vary from person to person. First, menstrual pain usually appears as a pain felt in the lower abdomen. This pain may increase over time as contractions and a feeling of pressure. While it may be milder in the first days, its severity may increase as the menstrual period progresses.


Additionally, a common symptom that occurs along with menstrual cramps is lower back pain. This lower back pain occurs as another discomfort that women feel along with contractions in the lower abdomen. This situation shows the effects of menstrual pains on the muscular system.

Weakness and Fatigue

Another symptom is general weakness and fatigue. Menstrual pain can cause a decrease in body energy, which can lead to women feeling a general fatigue during the menstrual period. This condition can affect women's daily activities and increase their need for rest.

Nausea and Headache

Nausea and headache are among the other symptoms that may accompany menstrual pains. These symptoms, which occur under the influence of hormonal changes, usually become more evident in the first days of the menstrual period. However, since each woman's experience is different, these symptoms may not always be of the same severity and continuity.

Causes of Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain is a condition that occurs as a result of the interaction of a number of complex factors. These factors include hormonal changes, contraction of the uterine muscles, and genetic predisposition.

Hormonal changes are one of the main factors that occur with the onset of menstruation. During this period, the release of chemicals called 'prostaglandin' increases. Prostaglandins cause the uterine muscles to contract, leading to menstrual pain. Hormonal imbalances, especially fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen levels, can aggravate menstrual pain.

Contraction of the uterine muscles is another main cause of menstrual pain. The uterine muscles contract during the shedding of the uterine lining, causing pain during this process. The intensity and duration of these contractions may vary from person to person.

Genetic factors may increase an individual's likelihood of being prone to menstrual pain if there is a family history of menstrual pain. Genetic predisposition may have an impact on the individual's hormonal structure and the sensitivity of the uterine muscles.

In addition, some health problems such as pelvic inflammatory diseases, intrauterine tumors, and endometriosis may also cause menstrual pain. These conditions may trigger menstrual pain caused by anatomical or functional problems in the uterus and pelvic area.

The factors that cause menstrual pain interact in a complex way, so each woman's experience may be different. Therefore, identifying specific factors that influence menstrual cramps is important to create a personalized treatment plan.

What is Good for Severe Menstrual Pain at Home?

Natural solutions that can be applied at home against severe menstrual pain are the methods that many women use to alleviate and control this discomfort. Here are some effective solutions that you can try at home against severe menstrual pain:

Heat Application

Heat application can be an effective method to relieve severe menstrual pain. A hot water bottle or a thermophore filled with hot water can relax the muscles and relieve pain when applied to the lower abdomen.

Herbal teas

Some herbal teas can provide natural support against menstrual pain. Herbal teas, especially mint, fennel, sage and chamomile, can relax muscles and reduce pain. 

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation can reduce stress and relieve tension in the body. Severe menstrual pains are often associated with stress, so regular yoga or meditation practice can reduce the severity of pain.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids may have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce inflammation caused by menstrual cramps. Consuming omega-3 rich foods such as salmon, walnuts and chia seeds can provide natural support against severe menstrual pain.


When the body does not get enough water, menstrual pains may become more pronounced. Therefore, drinking adequate amounts of water can play an important role in reducing the severity of pain.

Dietary Changes

Some women can control menstrual cramps by avoiding foods that may affect menstrual cramps or by increasing certain nutrients. For example, reducing caffeine, cocoa, fizzy drinks and sugar intake can reduce the severity of pain.

These home methods may have different effects depending on each woman's experience. But overall, these natural remedies have provided relief to many women from severe menstrual pain.

Suggestions to Relieve Excessive Menstrual Pain

Extreme menstrual pain can be defined as the intense and unbearable pain that many women experience during their menstrual period. These pains can negatively affect daily living activities. However, there are some precautions to be taken and methods that can be applied against excessive menstrual pain:

Consult a Doctor

If you have extreme menstrual pain, it is important to see a healthcare professional. Your doctor can perform the necessary tests to determine the underlying causes of the pain and create an appropriate treatment plan.

Hot Application

Heat application can be an effective method against extreme menstrual pain. A hot water bottle or a hot bath can relax muscles and relieve pain.

Workout planner

Regular exercise can provide general relief from menstrual pain. Aerobic exercises can increase blood circulation and increase endorphin levels in the body, which can reduce pain.


A healthy diet can play an important role in relieving excessive menstrual pain. A diet that includes foods with anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins can reduce the severity of pain.


Acupuncture may be an alternative treatment option for excessive menstrual pain. Some women have benefited from acupuncture, stating that it helps regulate the flow of energy in their body.

Natural Herbal Teas

Herbal teas such as mint, fennel, sage and ginger can provide natural support against excessive menstrual pain. These teas can reduce pain by relaxing muscles and having anti-inflammatory effects.

Stress Management

Stress can increase menstrual pain. Stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing exercises can provide relief from excessive menstrual pain.

Because each woman's experience is different, the effects of these suggestions may vary from individual to individual. However, it is important to communicate with your doctor to create a personalized treatment plan.

Causes of Very Severe Menstrual Pain

Severe menstrual pain is a painful condition that many women experience during their menstrual period, and in some cases, it can seriously affect daily life. The main causes of these severe pains may include the following factors:

Increased Intrauterine Contractions

Very severe menstrual pains are related to the contractions in the uterus being stronger and more intense than normal. Excessive release of chemicals called prostaglandins can increase these contractions and cause severe pain.


Endometriosis is a condition in which the inner layer of the uterus grows and bleeds in areas other than its normal location. This condition may cause these tissues to bleed during the menstrual period, leading to severe menstrual pain.

Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases

Pelvic inflammatory diseases include inflammatory conditions that affect the uterus, tubes, and ovaries. These diseases can aggravate menstrual pain and also damage the reproductive system.

Intrauterine Masses

Intrauterine masses such as intrauterine polyps or fibroids can cause excessive menstrual pain. These cysts can disrupt the normal functioning of the uterine lining and cause severe pain.


Adenomyosis is characterized by the tissue forming the inner layer of the uterus settling into foci within the muscle layer of the uterus. This can cause menstrual bleeding to move backwards towards the uterine muscles, which can cause very severe menstrual pain.

Uterine Anomalies

Anatomical anomalies in the uterus, especially congenital conditions, can aggravate menstrual pain. These structural problems in the uterus can disrupt normal contractions and lead to severe pain.

Genetic Factors

Individuals with a family history of severe menstrual pain may be prone to this disorder due to genetic factors. Genetic predisposition may include differences in hormonal and anatomical characteristics.

The factors that cause severe menstrual pain can be complex and often occur in combination. Therefore, it is important for individuals experiencing very severe menstrual pain to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying causes and create appropriate treatment plans.

Lying Positions for Menstrual Pain

Finding the right position to deal with menstrual cramps can increase relaxation and ease pain. Here are relaxing sleeping positions for menstrual pain:

1. Fetal Position

Pulling the legs towards the chest can help relieve uterine contractions. Lie on your back and take a fetal position by pulling your legs towards your belly. This position can reduce tension in the abdominal area and relieve pain.

2. Face Down Position

Lying on your stomach can help relax the muscles in the lower abdominal area. Resting in this position by placing a pillow or quilt on the lower abdomen can relieve pain.

3. Lying down with your feet against the wall

Lying on your back and leaning your feet against the wall can also be soothing against menstrual pain. Resting with your legs against a wall can increase blood circulation in the pelvic area and reduce pain.

4. Knee and Elbow Position

The knee and elbow position is a position where you lie on your back or stomach. Lying on your back with legs slightly bent and knees and elbows placed can relieve tension in the lower back and aid relaxation.

5. Side Sleeping Position

Lying on your side may be more relaxing than lying on your back. Sleeping on your side with legs slightly bent and using a pillow can relieve pressure on the spine and pelvic area.

6. Hot Water Bag

Using a hot water bottle can also relieve menstrual pain. A warm bag placed on the lower abdomen can relax the muscles and reduce pain.

Positions that each individual feels comfortable in may be different, so it is important to try different positions and find the one that provides personal relief. These positions are just a few of the simple and effective methods that can be applied at home against menstrual pain.

Which Herbal Teas Should Be Drinked During Menstruation?

For many women, menstruation comes with uncomfortable menstrual cramps and body changes. Herbal teas can ease menstrual discomfort and support overall health. Here are some useful herbal teas that can be drunk during menstruation:

1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has calming properties and can reduce the stress experienced during menstruation. It can also provide relief from menstrual pain with its muscle relaxant effects.

2. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties and may be effective against menstrual pain. It may also help with nausea and digestive problems.

3. Mint Tea

Mint tea can reduce cramps and ease uterine contractions. It is also known as a refreshing drink.

4. Sage Tea

Sage tea has antioxidant properties and may support the immune system. It can contribute to general relaxation by reducing inflammation in the body during menstruation.

5. Fennel Tea

Fennel tea is an herbal tea that has positive effects on the digestive system. It can combat digestive problems and relieve discomfort in the abdominal area during menstruation.

6. Rosemary Tea

Rosemary tea has muscle relaxant properties and can be used against menstrual pain. It can also provide a general feeling of vitality with its energy-boosting effects.

7. Red Raspberry Tea

Red raspberry tea may help reduce excessive bleeding during menstruation. It can also support general health with the antioxidants it contains.

It should not be forgotten that each individual's body structure is different. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor before resorting to herbal teas, especially if you have any health problems or allergies. The ideal is to consume these teas in moderation; excessive consumption may cause some side effects.


For many women, menstruation is a process that comes with changes in the body. Conditions such as menstrual pains, nausea and general discomfort can pose some of the difficulties of this period. However, it is possible to alleviate these discomforts during menstruation with the right strategies.

Herbal teas stand out as a natural and effective support that can be drunk during menstruation. Teas such as chamomile, ginger, peppermint, sage, fennel, rosemary and red raspberry have relaxing, anti-inflammatory, digestive and energy-boosting properties. However, since each individual's body structure is different, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before consuming these teas.

Additionally, finding the right sleeping positions during menstruation can also relieve pain. Positions such as the fetal position, face-down position, and feet against the wall can help with relaxation by relaxing the muscles and increasing blood circulation.

As a result, it's important to take a personalized approach to dealing with your period. Trying a number of strategies, from lying positions to herbal teas, changes in nutrition, stress and regular exercise, can help relieve period discomfort. However, if you have severe pain or other health problems, it would be safest to see a healthcare professional.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Natural Remedies for Menstrual Pains and Discomforts

1. What herbal teas are good for menstrual pain?

Herbal teas that can be used to relieve menstrual pain during menstruation include chamomile, ginger, mint, sage, fennel, rosemary and red raspberry teas. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming these teas.

2. What sleeping positions can help relieve menstrual pain?

Positions such as fetal position, prone position, feet against the wall are effective lying positions that can be used to relieve menstrual pain during the menstrual period. However, the positions that each individual feels comfortable in may differ.

3. What foods should be taken into consideration during the menstrual period?

A diet containing foods with anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins is important during menstruation. Reducing caffeine, cocoa, carbonated drinks and sugar intake can reduce the severity of pain.

4. In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

In case of severe menstrual cramps, excessive bleeding, intense pain during the period, and other significant health problems, it is important to see a healthcare professional.

5. Apart from herbal teas and lying positions, what alternative methods can be tried against menstrual pain?

Alternatively, methods such as heat application, exercise, stress management techniques, medications recommended by the doctor and acupuncture can be among the effective strategies that can be tried against menstrual pain. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before any treatment plan.