Category: Pregnancy

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Healthy Eating Tips During Pregnancy

Healthy Eating Tips During Pregnancy

Discover the intricacies of nutrition during pregnancy. Learn essential nutrients, address common issues like morning sickness, and understand nutritional needs that change with each trimester.

Exercises to be done during pregnancy, alparslan baksu

Exercises to Do During Pregnancy

Prof. Dr. Discover Alparslan Baksu's comprehensive guide on pregnancy exercises. Learn safe exercises for each trimester, the benefits of prenatal pilates, and expert tips for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

Changes in the Body After Birth

Changes in the Body After Birth

In our guide to dealing with postpartum body changes, you'll find important information to understand each woman's unique experience and focus on a healthy recovery process.

diabetes during pregnancy, alparslan baksu

Gestational Diabetes and Its Management

It has detailed content about the effects of gestational diabetes, nutritional strategies and management of insulin resistance, and offers guidance for a healthy pregnancy process.

premature rupture of pregnancy membranes, alparslan baksu

Premature Rupture of Pregnancy Membranes

Early rupture of the gestational membranes can pose serious risks during pregnancy and often cause infections. This article clearly states the importance of early rupture of membranes during pregnancy and the methods to be followed.

coronavirus and pregnancy, alparslan baksu

Covid-19 Virus Infection and Pregnancy

In a world under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic, this is an informative article about the points that pregnant women should pay particular attention to and the precautions that should be taken. It is emphasized that follow-up and examinations should not be neglected during pregnancy, communication with the doctor should be maintained, and timely application to health institutions should be made.

pregnancy follow-up, alparslan baksu

Pregnancy Tracking

The article titled "Pregnancy Follow-Up" discusses in detail the issues that need to be taken into consideration at every stage of pregnancy, starting from the pre-pregnancy examination process. It includes information about tests, examinations, nutritional recommendations and emergencies that should be performed during pregnancy. This article provides important guidance for expectant mothers to have a healthy pregnancy.

first trimester, alparslan baksu

1st Trimester (Between 1 – 14 Weeks)

As your baby's development progresses step by step throughout the first trimester, growth and organ formation accelerate each week. It is a process filled with exciting details of each stage and important milestones in your baby's development. This article discusses each week of the first three months of pregnancy in detail, encouraging expectant mothers to explore this miraculous period more closely.

second trimester, alparslan baksu

2st Trimester (Between 15 – 27 Weeks)

The blog post titled "Second Trimester" examines each week of the pregnancy in detail and offers expectant mothers the opportunity to follow the baby's development step by step. By explaining the physical and emotional changes experienced by the mother and the baby, the baby's organ development and important milestones, it enables expectant mothers to participate in the pregnancy process more consciously.

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