Birth Control Options: Finding What's Best for You

Birth Control Options: Finding What's Best for You

Sexual health and family planning have an important place in individuals' lives. Choosing the right birth control method is a critical step in living a healthy sexual life and managing family planning effectively. In this article, you will find the information necessary to understand birth control options and choose the one that best suits personal needs.

What is Birth Control?

Birth control includes various methods used to prevent unwanted pregnancies and keep family planning under control. These methods include birth control pills, birth control injections, IUDs, condoms and many more options. Although its main purpose is to prevent pregnancy, birth control can also provide additional benefits such as regulating menstrual cycles and protecting against sexually transmitted diseases.

Birth control methods are divided into two basic categories: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal birth control methods prevent pregnancy by secreting hormones into the body. Birth control pills and injections are examples of this category. Non-hormonal birth control methods include non-chemical methods that do not add hormones to the body. Copper coil and condom are examples of this category.

Because each individual's needs are different, choosing the right birth control method depends on personal preferences and health status. Later in this article, we will examine different birth control options in detail and provide information to help you determine which one is best for you.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are one of the most widely used modern birth control methods. These pills contain a hormonal component and usually contain hormones called 'estrogen' and 'progestin'. These hormones act through various mechanisms to protect the body against pregnancy.

How does it work?

Birth control pills usually prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation and thickening the mucus in the cervix. It also reduces the thinning of the inner layer of the uterus and the possibility of it clinging to the uterus even if pregnancy occurs. These mechanisms also regulate menstrual cycle by controlling hormonal balance.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  1. Events: When used correctly, birth control pills have a high pregnancy prevention rate.
  2. Regular Menstrual Cycle: Pills can regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve painful menstrual periods.
  3. Reducing the Amount of Pain and Bleeding: It can reduce the amount of menstrual cramps and bleeding.
  4. Acne Control: Provides acne control in some women.


  1. Hormonal Side Effects: Due to its hormone content, there may be side effects such as headache, emotional fluctuations and breast tenderness.
  2. Risk of Being Forgotten: Since it needs to be taken daily, there is a risk of forgetting it.
  3. Does Not Provide Protection Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases: It should be combined with other methods such as condoms.

Once you are informed about the advantages and disadvantages of birth control pills, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to make the right choice. Since each individual's body structure is different, it is important to get expert advice to determine the most appropriate birth control method.

Birth Control Methods

Birth control covers a wide range of methods used to prevent pregnancy and manage family planning. These methods vary depending on individuals' health conditions, ages and preferences. Here's an overview of the different birth control methods:

Monthly Birth Control Shots

This method involves a monthly dose of hormonal injections delivered directly into fatty tissue. Hormones protect the body against pregnancy. The advantages of this method include the effectiveness provided by regular use and the regulation of the menstrual cycle. However, due to the hormonal content, side effects may occur in some women.

Emergency Birth Control Methods

Emergency contraceptives are emergency contraceptive methods used after unprotected sexual intercourse. These methods include emergency contraceptive pills and copper-containing emergency contraceptive spiral. However, the effectiveness of these methods may vary depending on how early they are used. It is not a method recommended for routine use. 

Family planning 

Family planning enables individuals to make informed decisions about having the number of children they want. Protection methods include birth control pills, birth control injections, IUD, condoms and natural methods. The choice of these methods may vary depending on the couple's health status, age and pregnancy plans.

Family Planning Consultancy and Training

Family planning counseling can assist individuals in choosing the appropriate contraceptive method. Health professionals can help couples determine the right method to suit their needs and provide education and guidance along the way.

Calendar Method

The calendar method, one of the natural birth control methods, is based on determining the period when the woman has the highest chance of becoming pregnant by monitoring her menstrual cycle. However, this method has a low reliability in preventing pregnancy and requires careful calculations and monitoring.

Each birth control method should be evaluated based on individual preferences along with its advantages and disadvantages. Consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the most appropriate method and provide information on its proper use.

Reliable Birth Control Methods

When choosing birth control, couples often focus on the reliability of the method. For many couples, reliably preventing or planning pregnancy is an important life decision. Here is information about reliable birth control methods:

What are Reliable Birth Control Methods?

Reliable birth control methods include methods that work effectively and reliably to minimize unwanted pregnancies. These methods have a high success rate when used correctly and regularly.

Factors Affecting Reliability

There are several factors that affect the reliability of a birth control method. These include:

  • Usage Pattern: Regular and correct use of the method increases its reliability.
  • Hormonal Content: Hormonal birth control methods can offer high reliability when used regularly. However, due to the hormonal content, side effects may occur depending on the health status of the users.
  • Sexual Activity Frequency: More effective birth control methods should be preferred for couples with a high frequency of sexual activity.
  • Couple's Collaboration: The success rates of birth control methods depend on the couple's ability to work together and implement the method correctly.

List of Reliable Birth Control Methods

  1. Birth Control Pills: Provides high reliability when used regularly.
  2. Birth Control Injections: Hormonal injections used monthly provide effective protection.
  3. Spiral: There are both copper and hormonal spirals. Both are methods that provide long-term protection.
  4. Birth Control Stick: A small stick placed under the skin provides effective long-term protection.
  5. Vaginal ring: The ring surrounding the cervix remains in place for three weeks and is removed for one week. Then it gets plugged in again. Provides hormonal protection. 

The choice of reliable birth control methods may vary depending on the couple's lifestyle, health status and future plans. Consulting with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate method can help couples make an accurate and informed decision. It should be noted that every individual is different, so choosing the right method is personal and should be evaluated carefully.

Spiral and Condom Comparison

Spiral and condom are two different birth control methods based on different mechanisms and used in sexual health. Both have different advantages and disadvantages. Here's a look at comparing the coil and condom:


How does it work?

  • The coil is a small device that is inserted into the uterus.
  • There are hormonal and copper options.
  • It prevents pregnancy by thinning the inner layer of the uterus.


  1. Long Term Effect: The spiral is effective for a long time (five years) after insertion. 
  2. Hormonal and Non-Hormonal Options: If users do not want hormonal content, a copper spiral option is offered. 
  3. No Problem of Forgetting to Use: Problems such as daily forgetting are not encountered.


  1. Placement Process: Requires a visit as it needs to be placed by a professional healthcare professional.
  2. Changes in Menstrual Bleeding: It may cause changes in menstrual bleeding in some women.
  3. High Cost: The initial cost may be high compared to other birth control methods.


How does it work?

  • A condom is a barrier that is worn over the penis during sexual intercourse.
  • In addition to preventing pregnancy, it provides protection from sexually transmitted diseases.


  1. Protection from Diseases: Condoms provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Easily Available: Easily available in many places.
  3. Easy to Use: It is easily usable and under the control of couples.


  1. Usage Interest: It should be considered before sexual intercourse and used correctly.
  2. Allergy Risk: May not be suitable for those with latex allergies.
  3. Correct Use is a Condition: If not used correctly, the effectiveness rate decreases.

To compare

System FeaturesSpiralPrezervatif
EventsMoving in Berlin medium-high
Protection from Sexually Transmitted DiseasesNoMoving in Berlin
Ease of UseProfessional placementEasy
Long Term EffectYesDepends on usage
CostMoving in Berlin Low

The advantages and disadvantages of both methods may vary depending on users' needs and preferences. Consulting with your healthcare provider can assist in the process of determining the most appropriate birth control method.

The Best Method of Protection During Sexual Intercourse

Choosing the best method of contraception during sexual intercourse is an important decision for couples. Preventing pregnancy and protecting against sexually transmitted diseases are the basis of living a healthy sexual life. Here is detailed information about the best protection methods during sexual intercourse:

1. Birth Control Pills


  • It provides high effectiveness when used regularly.
  • Can regulate menstrual cycle.
  • It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so it should be combined with a condom.


  • It may cause hormonal side effects.
  • Requires daily use.

2. Condom


  • Provides protection from sexually transmitted diseases.
  • It is easily available.
  • It provides effective pregnancy prevention when used correctly.


  • Correct use is essential.
  • Not suitable for those with latex allergies.

3. Spiral


  • Provides effective long-term protection.
  • It is placed by a professional healthcare professional.


  • The placement process requires a professional expert.
  • The initial cost is high.

4. Birth Control Injections


  • Hormonal injections used monthly provide effective protection.
  • Long-term effective injections are available.


  • It may cause hormonal side effects.
  • It requires regular use.

5. Family Planning Counseling and Education


  • Provides individual counseling by healthcare professionals.
  • It helps in determining the right birth control method to suit your needs.


  • It is not a method used during sexual intercourse.

Which Method to Choose?

When choosing the best contraceptive method during sexual intercourse, it is important for couples to pay attention to their health status, age, pregnancy plans and personal preferences. Consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the most appropriate birth control method and provide accurate information regarding its use. It should not be forgotten that the use of condoms is always recommended for effective protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Male Protection Methods

Men's involvement in birth control can help couples share responsibilities for family planning. Here is detailed information about men's protection methods:

Condom (Condom)

Condoms are an effective method of preventing pregnancy as well as providing protection from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Its easy availability makes it preferred as a male contraceptive method for many couples. Proper use is important and alternative materials may be available for those with latex allergies.


Vasectomy is a long-term birth control method for men. It does not affect sexual intercourse, but it is a permanent process and is difficult to reverse. Its replacement requires surgical intervention.

Withdrawal Method

The withdrawal method is a natural method and has no additional cost. However, since its effectiveness is low, the risk of pregnancy is high. It requires proper application, so it is not considered a reliable option.

Birth Control Pills (Men's Medicines)

Birth control pills are not currently widely used but are an option being developed for men. A daily pill form is being developed and may offer a hormonal option. However, research in this area continues.

Natural Methods

Natural methods offer a non-chemical option. It has no side effects, but its reliability is low. It requires careful monitoring of the woman's menstrual cycle and it is important to apply it correctly.

Options for birth control are more limited for men compared to women, but the field is expanding with new research and developments. Couples should talk to a healthcare professional about determining the right birth control method and consider the most appropriate option together.

Who cannot use Spiral?

Although the IUD is an effective birth control method, its use is not recommended in some cases or health conditions. Here's who the spiral cannot be applied to:

1. Those with Suspicions of Pregnancy

Spiral is not applied to individuals who are already pregnant. People who are suspected of pregnancy or planning a pregnancy should consult their healthcare provider before considering the use of an IUD.

2. Abnormalities in the Uterus

Conditions such as anatomical abnormalities in the uterus or thickening of the inner layer of the uterus may prevent the use of the spiral. These situations can make coil placement difficult or reduce its effectiveness.

3. Those with a History of Cervical Cancer or Uterine Cancer

The use of IUD is not recommended for individuals with a history of cervical cancer or uterine cancer. These conditions may carry a greater risk of tumors in the uterus.

4. Those with a History of Active Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

IUD use is not recommended in individuals with a history of active pelvic inflammatory disease. PID may increase the risk of infection from a device placed in the uterus.

5. Uterine Bleeding Problems

IUD use should be considered in individuals with excessive bleeding or abnormal uterine bleeding. Problems in the inner layer of the uterus may affect the use of IUD.

6. Older Women

In older women (post-menopausal), the use of spirals is generally not recommended. During this period, as the inner layer of the uterus becomes thinner, spiral placement difficulties and effectiveness problems may arise.

7. Allergy or Sensitivity Problems

In case of a known allergy or sensitivity to spiral materials, the use of spirals should be avoided. Reactions caused by latex or other materials can cause serious problems.

Each individual's health condition is different, so a detailed evaluation should be made with a healthcare professional before using the spiral. This can help determine the best birth control method for a person's health.

Condom Alternatives

Condoms are often a widely used option when it comes to sexual health and birth control. However, each individual's needs and preferences are different. Here is detailed information about condom alternatives:

1. Other Barrier Methods

Barrier methods that can be used instead of condoms are the female condom. These methods may provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases and be effective in preventing pregnancy.

2. Hormonal Birth Control Methods

Hormonal methods such as birth control pills, birth control rings and birth control injections are effective in preventing pregnancy. However, these methods must be obtained with a prescription and used regularly.

3. Natural Methods

Natural methods such as the calendar method, body temperature measurement and fertility monitoring can be used to prevent pregnancy. However, these methods have low reliability and require careful monitoring.

4. Birth Control Injections

Hormonal birth control injections provide hormonal protection that is injected into the body at regular intervals. This method can offer a long-term effect and requires regular use.

5. Spiral

The coil is a device placed inside the uterus and is a long-term birth control method. It prevents pregnancy by affecting the inner layer of the uterus. The coil is placed by a healthcare professional and can be used in appropriate situations.

6. Vaginal Ring

The person places the vaginal ring around the cervix for three weeks after menstruation. Then he gets it right. He puts it back in a week later. It can provide effective protection when used regularly.

7. Birth Control Stick

The birth control stick, which is a small stick placed under the skin of the upper arm, provides long-term hormonal protection. It is placed by a healthcare professional and can offer long-term protection to the user.

Each birth control method should be evaluated based on individuals' needs, health status, and preferences. Choosing the right birth control method is possible by consulting with a healthcare professional and making a decision appropriate to the individual's specific situation.

Withdrawal Method and Ejaculation Point

Although the withdrawal method is a natural and low-cost birth control method, it should be applied with caution as its effectiveness is low. The success rate of this method depends on the man's ability to accurately control the ejaculation point.

What is the Withdrawal Method?

The withdrawal method is a birth control method that prevents sperm from entering the woman's uterus by withdrawing the man's penis from the vagina at the moment of ejaculation during sexual intercourse. This method may reduce the risk of pregnancy, but should be applied with caution.

Why Is Ejaculation Point Important?

The effectiveness of the withdrawal method depends on the man accurately controlling the point of ejaculation. Ejaculation may cause sperm to reach the vagina or uterus. A correct withdrawal aims to prevent sperm from entering the vagina by predetermining the man's ejaculation point.

How Is It Applied?

To apply the withdrawal method correctly, these steps should be followed:

  • Attention and Control: The man should carefully control the ejaculation point during sexual intercourse.
  • Pre-Ejaculation: The man must withdraw his penis from the vagina before signs of ejaculation appear.
  • Cum Outdoor: Ejaculation must occur while the penis is outside the vagina.

Efficacy and Risks

The withdrawal method can reduce the risk of pregnancy when performed correctly. However, the effectiveness of this method is low and the risk of pregnancy is high. Additionally, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Who is it not suitable for?

The withdrawal method is a method that requires discipline and control. It may not be suitable in the following cases:

  • In individuals who have difficulty controlling ejaculation.
  • In situations that cause sudden changes during sexual intercourse.
  • If other birth control methods cannot be used.

The withdrawal method has a lower level of reliability compared to other birth control methods. Before choosing the right birth control method, couples should consult with their healthcare professional and make a decision that suits their needs.


Birth control plays a critical role in couples' family planning and management of their sexual health. In this article, various birth control methods and important information on the subject were discussed. It should be noted that every individual has unique needs and preferences. Here is a general evaluation and suggestions on this subject:

Options Suitable for Couples' Individual Needs:

  • Hormonal Methods: Hormonal methods such as birth control pills and injections provide effective protection when used regularly. However, side effects and health conditions should be taken into consideration.
  • Barrier Methods: Barrier methods such as condoms are effective in preventing pregnancy as well as providing protection from sexually transmitted diseases. It is easily available and low cost.
  • Natural Methods: Natural methods, such as the calendar method, temperature measurement, and fertility monitoring, offer non-chemical options. However, reliability is low and requires careful monitoring.

Collaboration with Health Professional:

  • Health Assessment: It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before choosing a birth control method. The most appropriate option should be chosen, taking into account health status, history and preferences.
  • Correct usage: Correct and regular use is essential for birth control methods to be effective. Users must apply their methods correctly and perform regular checks.

Sexual Health Awareness and Education:

  • Education and Awareness: Getting education and awareness about sexual health is important to make the right decisions and conscious choices about birth control. Obtaining information from health professionals and reliable sources can be helpful to couples.

In conclusion, birth control is an important issue that affects couples' sexual health and family planning. It is important for a long-term healthy sexual life for each individual to choose the right method suitable for their needs, to be in regular communication with the health professional and to make conscious decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Birth Control Options

How reliable and effective is the withdrawal method as a birth control method?

The withdrawal method is known as a low-cost and natural method of birth control, but its effectiveness is low. It can reduce the risk of pregnancy when applied correctly, but has a lower level of safety compared to other birth control methods.

Which birth control method is the most reliable and how should it be chosen?

Birth control methods vary depending on individuals' health conditions, preferences and needs. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most reliable method. One can choose between hormonal, barrier, natural or long-term methods.

To whom is the spiral not applied and in what situations is it risky?

IUD use is not recommended for those with suspected pregnancy, those with abnormalities in the uterus, those with a history of cervical or uterine cancer, and those with a history of active pelvic inflammatory disease. These situations may reduce the effectiveness of IUD use or make it risky.

What are condom alternatives and in what cases can they be preferred?

There are many alternatives other than condoms for sexual health and birth control. Options such as other barrier methods, hormonal birth control methods, natural methods, birth control patches and sticks may be considered depending on individuals' preferences and health status.

What is the best method of protection during sexual intercourse and how should it be chosen?

Choosing the best contraceptive method during sexual intercourse depends on the health status of the couple, their age, pregnancy plans and personal preferences. Consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the most appropriate birth control method and provide accurate information regarding its use. It should not be forgotten that the use of condoms is always recommended for effective protection against sexually transmitted diseases.