Exercises to Do During Pregnancy

Exercises to Do During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is an important process in a woman's life, and healthy exercise during this period can positively contribute to the general health of the expectant mother and the development of her baby. Med Expert Clinic is a health consultancy company that aims to support women during pregnancy to live a healthy life. In this section, Med Expert Clinic will focus on the role of exercise during pregnancy and try to understand why healthy exercise during pregnancy is so important.

Types of Exercises That Should Be Done During Pregnancy

It is important to choose appropriate types of exercise to live a healthy life during pregnancy. Med Expert Clinic recommends various types of exercise that should be done during pregnancy, and we will focus on these recommendations in this section.

1. Pregnancy Pilates

Pilates during pregnancy can be an excellent option for many expectant mothers. This type of exercise can help relieve waist and back pain, as well as increase overall body tone. In this section, we will examine the benefits of pilates during pregnancy and discuss in which months this exercise can be done safely.

2. Birth Exercise and Breathing Exercise

Birth exercises are an important tool to prepare for birth. These exercises can increase muscle tone and help you have a more comfortable experience during labor. Breathing exercises can reduce stress and support the natural birth process. In this section, we will discuss the role of birth exercises and effective methods for relaxation through breathing exercises.

3rd Month Pregnancy Exercises

It is important to know that each month has different needs during pregnancy. In this section, we will provide a month-by-month guide for pregnancy exercises and discuss special situations to consider in each trimester. We will help expectant mothers to plan their pregnancy exercise programs more effectively with expert recommendations.

Knowing that each month has different needs during pregnancy is critical for planning a pregnancy exercise program more effectively.

a. First Trimester (Month 1-3):

During this period, activities such as light aerobic exercises, walking and swimming are recommended. Pelvic floor exercises and pregnancy pilates may also be suitable.

b. Second Trimester (4-6th Month):

In addition to moderate aerobic exercise, activities such as yoga and water aerobics may be recommended. Focusing on birthing exercises and breathing techniques is also helpful.

c. Third Trimester (7-9th Month):

During this period, slow walking, swimming and relaxation exercises are suitable. Continuing with exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor may increase relief.

Expert Recommendations:

Every expectant mother is different, so it is important to implement the pregnancy exercise program under the supervision of a doctor and under the guidance of an expert trainer. Especially those with high-risk pregnancies should discuss exercise programs with their doctors.

4. Pregnant Exercise and Pregnant Pilates

In addition to general exercises, special types of exercises are also important during pregnancy. In this section, we will examine the general advantages of pregnant exercises and especially the special effects of pregnant pilates during pregnancy. With the advice of our specialist doctors, we will help expectant mothers to stay healthy and active during pregnancy.

Guide to Starting Exercise During Pregnancy

Starting to exercise during pregnancy requires careful planning and doctor's approval. In this section, we will discuss in detail the process of starting exercises during pregnancy and focus on the factors you need to consider when choosing appropriate activities.

1. When to Start?

It is usually not necessary to wait any trimester to start exercising during pregnancy. However, doctor's approval should be obtained, especially in the first months of pregnancy. Especially individuals who exercise regularly can continue their pregnancy safely throughout their pregnancy.

Things to Consider in the First Trimester:

When starting exercises during this period, it is important to start at a slow pace and carefully monitor the body's reactions. Additionally, if there are high-risk situations or if a miscarriage has occurred before, it is important to act under the supervision of a doctor.

2. Ways to Exercise at Home

Exercising at home is a great way to create a healthy and safe exercise routine during pregnancy. Yoga, gentle aerobic exercises, and online pregnancy programs are ideal for staying active at home. In this section, we will guide expectant mothers on how to exercise at home.

Focusing on low-impact exercises when exercising at home can reduce the risk of injury. Brisk walking, yoga, and pregnancy pilates are safe exercises that can be done at home.

Exercises That Should Not Be Done During Pregnancy

It is important to limit or completely avoid some exercises during pregnancy. In this section, we will discuss the types of exercises that are not recommended during pregnancy and the potential risks of these activities.

1. Doing Sit-Ups and Squats

Risks of Doing Sit-Ups:

Doing sit-ups during pregnancy can put extra strain on the abdominal muscles and cause lower back pain. Therefore, it is important to focus on safer alternatives to strengthen abdominal muscles.

Squat Movements and Things to Consider:

Squat movements can cause waist and back pain, especially if the correct form is not used. It is important to avoid maintaining a low position during pregnancy and to modify movements.

2. Tennis and Intense Sports Activities

Intense sports activities such as tennis can cause sudden movements and strain on the body. This can increase the risk of falls during pregnancy and negatively impact joint flexibility.

It is important to avoid tennis or other intense sports during pregnancy and focus on alternative, lower-impact activities such as walking, swimming, and light aerobics.

Walking Guide During Pregnancy

Walking is a feasible and healthy exercise option during pregnancy. In this section, we will discuss the benefits of walking during pregnancy and how you can practice this activity safely and effectively.

1. When to Start and How Much to Do?

It's generally safe to start walking during pregnancy at any stage. However, slow walks should be preferred, especially in the third trimester when mobility decreases.

By walking for a period of time each day, you can improve circulation, increase energy levels and have a positive impact on mental well-being.

In line with the recommendations of our specialist doctors and trainers who are experts in exercise during pregnancy, we will help expectant mothers to continue their pregnancy in a safe and healthy way.


Choosing the right exercises during pregnancy can contribute to the general health of the expectant mother and the healthy development of her baby. Med Expert Clinic aims to support expectant mothers to have a healthy pregnancy by presenting the exercises recommended in this guide and important points to consider.

These recommendations have been prepared to guide women who want to stay active during pregnancy and to positively affect the pregnancy process. However, every pregnancy is unique, so it is important for everyone to evaluate their situation by talking to their doctor.

Med Expert Clinic, Prof. Dr. Alparslan Baksu, Prof. Dr. Başak Baksu, and Dr. With its expert staff led by Aygül Uluocak, it will continue to provide information and support to expectant mothers to help them have a healthy pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy can contribute positively to a woman's overall health; However, before starting any exercise program, it is important to talk to your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of exercise are safe during pregnancy?

Low-impact activities such as pilates, walking, light aerobic exercise, and water aerobics are generally safe during pregnancy. However, it is always important to get doctor's approval.

Is it safe to do crunches and squats during pregnancy?

Generally, doing certain exercises, such as crunches and squats, is not recommended during pregnancy. These movements can put a lot of strain on the abdominal muscles and waist.

What exercises can I do at home?

You can choose low-impact activities such as yoga, light aerobic exercises, pregnancy pilates and walking at home. However, avoid starting any exercise program before consulting your doctor.

When and how much should walking be done during pregnancy?

You can start walking at any stage during pregnancy. However, especially in the third trimester, slow walks should be preferred. Determining daily walking goals depends on individual needs.

Which exercises should I avoid during pregnancy?

Sit-ups, squats, and intense sports activities should be avoided during pregnancy. It is also important to stay away from activities that involve sudden movements, such as tennis. However, every situation is unique, so you should seek advice from your doctor.

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