Stress Incontinence Questions & Answers

Stress Incontinence Questions & Answers

In what situations is temporary urinary incontinence seen?

Urinary incontinence that develops under certain conditions and disappears when this condition improves is called 'transient urinary incontinence'. Urinary incontinence may be observed in late pregnancy and urinary tract infections. However, when the pregnancy ends and the infection is treated, the complaint of urinary incontinence disappears.

What are the risk factors for stress incontinence?

Multiple births, vaginal birth trauma, invasive birth, giving birth to a large baby, advanced age, connective tissue diseases, chronic lung diseases that cause constant cough, obesity, and jobs that require heavy lifting are risk factors for stress incontinence.

How do I know if I have stress incontinence?

In situations such as coughing, laughing, lifting weights, or sneezing, the person notices that his underwear gets wet and he involuntarily leaks urine.

How can I reduce the frequency of urinary incontinence?

Practicing Kegel exercises, making some lifestyle changes and going to the toilet frequently can reduce the frequency of urinary incontinence.

What are the recommended lifestyle changes for the treatment of urinary incontinence?

Limiting daily fluid intake; restricting tea, coffee and cola drinks; reduce the intake of bitter, sour and spicy foods; Staying away from heavy sports and jobs that require heavy lifting and losing weight are healthy lifestyle suggestions recommended for the treatment of urinary incontinence.

Does stress incontinence go away?

Stress incontinence can regress with non-surgical treatment approaches. Kegel exercises and appropriate lifestyle changes are treatments that a person can apply on his own.

What is the best stress incontinence surgery?

The most successful and widely performed stress incontinence surgery is the surgery performed on the middle part of the lower urinary tract, where a special material called 'mid-urethral sling' is placed in this area for support.

How successful is stress incontinence surgery?

It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in experienced hands, in a short time, with a very low complication rate and a success rate of up to 90%.

When can I shower after stress incontinence surgery?

You can take a shower 48 hours after the surgery.

Will there be any scars from stress incontinence surgery?

Since stress incontinence surgery is performed vaginally, no scars are visible from the outside.

Are stitches removed after stress incontinence surgery?

In stress incontinence surgery, stitch removal is not possible since self-absorbable stitch material is placed in the vagina.

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